
In theory, a republic is a political system in which the government remains mostly subject to those governed. Some scholars define any political system in which the citizens legitimize the government. As such, some (including
Montesquieu ) consider the U.S. a republic. Indeed, there are those that believe that any form of government that is not based on heritage or authoritarian governance. In some cases, a representative democracy (or any form of democracy) might be considered a republic. Some of the types of republics that you might see include:
Crowned (a constitutional monarchy might be considered a crowned republic )
Single Party
Federal (the United States is often referred to as a federal republic )
The main characteristic of a republic is that the government is subject to the people, and leaders can be recalled. Some even make the argument that an oligarchy , which is rule by a few citizens, or a group of citizens, is a form of republic, since the government is subject to some of the wishes of some
Republic Republic Reviewed by bhangwarblogspot on 2:13 AM Rating: 5

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